Welcome to my music blog
I enjoy creating music on a combination of hardware synthesizers and computer software, which has evolved out of my original passion for classical and electronic music.
The name Ionian Blue draws inspiration from the Ionian Sea in the Mediterranean, cuddled by Greece and Italy. Countless summer holidays spent in this picturesque location have influenced and shaped my spirit.
Classifying something as abstract as music is never an exact science and perhaps my music hardly fits into any of the established genres. I usually define it as experimental, ambient and instrumental. While I have been a pianist for most of my life, I have been working with synthesizers the last few years and these have been the main instruments that I create sounds and melodies on.
You can explore my music through the following channels: Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp and many more.
The studio that I create my music is a small but lovely room, as you can see in the photo at the top of this post. I describe my workflow in this post.
I really hope that my music can inspire compassion and peace to the hearts of those who are willing to listen.
Stay tuned...